Hoya balansae Costantin 1912

Type description:

In Flore Generale des Indo Chine 4 (1912) 136.  J. Constantin. 14 H. Balansae Cost., n. sp.
Tiges volubiles,, lérèrement pubescentes. Feuilles cbarnues, glabres, vert grisâtre, parfois avec macules d’un vertplus foncé, ovales, arrondies à la base, acuminées à la pointe, à nervures peu apparentes; nervures basilaires 3 ; nervures latérales alternes, 2-4 de chaque côté, confluentes au bord avec les autres; limbe long de 4.5-6.5 cm. sur 2.5-3.5 cm.; petiole épais, long de 5 mm. Infloresences: pédoncule long de 4.5 cm., épais de 2 mm. avec tête cylindrique portant des cicatrices; pédicelles grêles, presque glabres, à poils rares, longs de 2 cm. ; fleurs atteignant 11- 14 mm., même avant I’épanouissement jaunâtres. - Calice à sépales laraement triangulaires, arrondis au sommet, ciliés au bord, légérment pubescents sur le dos. Corolle àlobes triangulaires, aigus au sommet, glabres en dehors, à peine pubescents en dedans. Coronule en étoile; piéces 5, charnues à pointes externes aiguës, horizontales, à bords latéraux relevés vers le haut à côte médiane un peu saillante.  Fruit...
Tonkin : baie d’Along, sur rochers calcaires (Balansa).
Feuilles ne dépressant pas 7 cm. de long.
Fleurs de 12-13 mm., jaunâtres ... 14. H. balansae

Translation: Stalk large, lightly pubescent. Leaves fleshy glabrous, grayish-green, at times with spots of dark green , oval rounded at the base, tip acuminate, nerves not very apparent 3; lateral nerves alternating, 2 to 4 on each side, meeting at the edge with the others; length 4.5 to 6.5 cm. by 2.5 to 3.5 cm.; petiole thick,  to 5 mm. long, Inflorescence: peduncle to 4.5 cm. long, up to 2 mm. Thick with cylindrical end carrying scars of previous flowers; pedicels thin, nearly glabrous, but hairs not unusual, to 2 cm. long; flowers attaining 11 to 14 mm.; even before opening, yellow. - calyx segments large triangular, pointed at the tip, ciliate edges, outside pubescent. Corolla lobes triangular, pointed at the tip, glabrous outside,  pubescent on the inside. Corona fleshy of 5 parte, outer apex extremely pointed, horizontal, lateral edges turned up, inner angle rising toward the center with a ridge in the middle, but not at all prominent.. Fruit ..
Tonkin: growing along calcareous rock crags at Balansa.
            Leaves not over 7 cm. long.
            Flowers 12 to 1 

In Tropica 4 (1992) 1019.  A. B. Graf. Hoya bandaensis (Java, Moluccas); robust vine with large, oval pointed, fleshy leaves dark green and glossy; blooms greenish white with scarlet centers. Tropical.

In The Asclepiadaceae Works of  Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. bandaensis Schlechter  (Schlechter 13663) - 14

In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 32-33. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya bandaensis Schlechter n. sp. A high climbing climber, branched, branches rebranched and elongated, flexible, glabrous, fleshy, loosely leaved; leaves petiolate elliptic acute or briefly acuminate, both sides glabrous, with fleshy texture, 10-12 cm. long. in the middle 5-7 cm. wide, petiole fleshy about 1.5 cm. long; cymes shaped like umbels, multiflowered, peduncle now of the same length, pedicels threadlike 3-3.5 cm. long, glabrous; flowers similar to H. diversifolia Blume, nearly equal size and similar; with segments of the calyx lanceolate acute, margins minutely ciliate, in the middle glabrous, 0.3 cm. long; corolla rotate 5 lobed all the way to the middle, 1.4 cm. in diameter, outside glabrous, inside minutely and densely papillose, lobes ovate-triangular acute, margins recurved; with the scale of the corona fleshy horizontal, above rhomboid with apex beaked, below four sided and bilobed; anthers four sided-trapezoidal, appendages hyaline ovate, briefly acuminate; pollinia erect obliquely oblong, exterior margin with a narrow keel, translators very short, retinaculum rhomboid much smaller than the pollinia; stigma head briefly conic.
Banda-Archipelago: in the underbrush below the summit of Gunong Api (R. Schlechter # 13663, blooming in October 1901).
Related to Hoya diversifolia Blume; distinguished by the short, thick corona scales.
The flowers are white with a rose band on the petal lobes.
Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: Beiblatt zu den Botanischen Jahrbücher 40 (1908) 13.